Spices and aromatic herbs have been used since antiquity as preservatives, colorants, and flavour enhancers. Spices are key dietary ingredients used in cuisines across the world. They have long been the basis of traditional medicine in many countries, have also been the subject of study, particularly by the chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industries, because of their potential use for improving health and wellness.

Global spice trade has been continuously increasing in the previous three decades, both in terms of volume and value. Though the definition of spice trade offers scope diverse interpretations, the global spice trade is estimated to be more than 50 billion USD at present. This includes spices and the spice extracts like spice oils and oleoresins, which are finding ever increasing applications across pharmaceutical and wellness industry. The current global spice market is characterised by highly concentrated nature of supply and diversified demand.

Upcoming Event - SYMSAC X

The International Symposium on Spices as Flavors, Fragrances & Functional Foodswill bring together the world’s leading spices scientists and other stakeholders for a one-of-a-kind program that will set the stage for true innovations in this sector. The SYMSAC X was earlier scheduled during 6 to 9 May 2020 at ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, Kerala but was postponed due to Covid 19 pandemic.

The symposium was held during 09-12 February 2021 on virtual mode. The latest developments in the field, either basic or applied, will be presented and discussed at the symposium. Each technical session will have lead papers (invited) and contributory papers (oral and poster).

Language: The proceedings of the symposium would be in English and translation facilities will not be available.






15 December 2020

31 January 2021

Abstract submission

15 December 2020

15 January 2021

Abstract acceptance notification

20 January 2021



The Indian Society for Spices (ISS) was founded in 1991 for the advancement of research and development in spices, aromatic and related crops. The activities of the society are strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Societies Registration Act 1860.The society aims at providing a forum for research workers on these crops for exchange of ideas and as a catalytic link between research and development organizations and the industry. The society organizes symposia, conferences and seminars in collaboration with other organizations on aspects relevant to spices and aromatic crops.


  • Session I : Spices - Global production and trade scenario
  • Session II : Spices –Chemistry and functional foods
  • Session III : Spices – Processing and value addition
  • Session IV : Spices - Cutting edge technologies for plant health
  • Session V : Spices - Environment and food safety